We grow our white sage, without any synthetic chemicals, right here on our farm. The bees love the blossoms and we love to harvest it and make smudge sticks to burn for our deep cleaning in the spring! These are large smudge sticks wrapped with organic cotton twine.
White Sage Smudge Sticks
An online article published last year by the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) discusses the beneficial uses of white sage. https://achs.edu/blog/2023/04/04/white-sage-a-closer-look/
One study that was discussed tested several herbal remedies originating from white sage that demonstrated dichloromethane extracts completely inhibited the growth of the following four tested pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Candida albicans.
*Dentali SJ. Potential anti-infective agents from Eriodictyon angustifolium Nutt. and Salvia apiana Jeps. [Dissertation] Ann Arbor: University of Arizona; 1991